Blogs and Resources

Fortis Medical Legal Fortis Medical Legal

Personal Injury Accidents in Grocery Stores in Ontario

Accidents resulting in personal injury can occur in grocery stores due to various situations, including:

Slip and Falls: Spills or wet floors without warning signs can lead to slips and falls.

Trips: Obstacles such as misplaced goods or debris in aisles can cause customers to trip.

Falling Objects: Improperly stacked merchandise that falls and injures customers.

Defective Equipment: Malfunctioning shopping carts or baskets causing injuries.

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Fortis Medical Legal Fortis Medical Legal

Claiming Compensation After an Accident on TTC WheelTrans or other Services

If you're involved in an accident on TTC WheelTrans, you have the right to claim compensation for injuries and damages. The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) provides Accident Benefits that cover:

Medical Expenses: Coverage for necessary medical treatments related to the accident.

Income Replacement: Payments if you're unable to work due to injuries sustained.

Attendant Care Benefits: Coverage for assistance with daily activities if needed.

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Fortis Medical Legal Fortis Medical Legal

Claiming Compensation After a Car Accident in an Uber in Ontario

Getting into a car accident can be a traumatic experience, especially when it involves rideshare services like Uber. In Ontario, understanding your rights and entitlements to compensation and health benefits is crucial if you find yourself in such a situation.

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Fortis Medical Legal Fortis Medical Legal

Can Uber Eats Drivers Claim Compensation for Dog or Animal Bites?

Yes, Uber Eats drivers can claim compensation for dog or animal bites under certain circumstances. When a delivery driver encounters an aggressive animal while delivering an order for Uber Eats, they may suffer injuries such as bites or scratches. In such cases, Uber Eats provides insurance coverage to protect its delivery partners.

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Fortis Medical Legal Fortis Medical Legal

Can Uber Delivery Cyclists Claim Compensation after an Accident in Ontario?

Yes, Uber Eats delivery cyclists in Ontario can also claim compensation if they get into an accident while performing their delivery duties. Uber Eats provides insurance coverage for its delivery partners, including cyclists, to protect them in case of accidents or injuries.

Similar to Uber drivers, Uber Eats delivery cyclists are covered under Uber's insurance policies during different phases of their delivery process:

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Fortis Medical Legal Fortis Medical Legal

Had an Accident in an Uber as a Driver or Passenger in Ontario?

In Ontario, Uber drivers and passengers may both qualify for compensation in the event of an accident while utilizing the Uber platform. Uber offers insurance coverage for drivers and passengers, with the extent of coverage dependent on the specific circumstances surrounding the accident.

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Fortis Medical Legal Fortis Medical Legal

Concussion 101: What to Look Out for After a Personal Injury Accident

In the event that the concussion was incurred as a result of a motor vehicle accident, it is imperative that you notify your insurance provider within a period of seven days. Additionally, it is highly recommended that you promptly seek the services of a personal injury lawyer who possesses expertise in the area of traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

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Fortis Medical Legal Fortis Medical Legal

Ottawa Health: Experience the Best Chiropractic Rehab after an MVA

A considerable part of our practice revolves around chronic pain, which refers to any injury or discomfort that lasts for more than three months. Regrettably, some patients find themselves in this situation because they have received inadequate advice that reinforces behaviors leading to more pain. We acknowledge that dealing with an injury, be it from sports, work, or a car accident, can be overwhelming and stressful.

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Fortis Medical Legal Fortis Medical Legal

Physio Spotlight: Neuro North (Sudbury)

With Neuro North, they come to you after a Motor Vehicle Accident so you don't have to worry about these things. With knowledgeable and professional staff, your physiotherapy goals can be met at home with high-quality rehabilitation services. Ideal if you’ve had a Car accident in Sudbury!

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Fortis Medical Legal Fortis Medical Legal

Guest Resource: Massage Therapy in Ontario by Stride Rehab

In massage therapy, a massage therapist rubs and kneads the soft tissues of your body. The soft tissues include muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and skin. The massage therapist varies the amount of pressure and movement.

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Fortis Medical Legal Fortis Medical Legal

A guide to Accident Benefit Forms & Benefits in Ontario (OCF forms)

There are several papers you must complete in order to be eligible for accident benefits, but the Application for Accident Benefits is one of the most crucial and must be completed correctly. Without submitting this form, which serves as the foundation for your Accident Benefits claim, you will not be eligible for a variety of benefits. A partial summary of some of the advantages you might qualify for by completing the OCF-1 is provided below:

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Fortis Medical Legal Fortis Medical Legal

Physio Spotlight: Sprint Physio (Peterborough)

Sprint Physiotherapy (Peterborough) prides itself on providing a solution to a clients problems. We resolve injuries by accurate history taking, assessment and correct diagnosis followed by “hands-on” physiotherapy treatment and individualized rehabilitation programs to return a client to pre-injury level.

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