Submitting Your OCF Forms to the Wrong Insurer: A Simple Yet Devastating Error

A Costly Mistake at the Insurance Broker’s Office

Sophia assumed her employer’s benefits provider would handle her accident claim, so she submitted her OCF forms there. Two months later, she learned she should have submitted them to her car insurance provider. By then, she had missed critical deadlines, delaying her benefits.

How to Avoid This Mistake

If you were in a motor vehicle accident, your auto insurer is responsible for accident benefits—not your employer’s health insurance provider. Confirm the correct recipient before submission.

Technicalities & Case Law

The Ontario Insurance Act mandates that accident benefits claims must be made to the correct insurer. In Federated Insurance v. Aviva, 2018 ONSC 4677, a claim was dismissed due to an insurer mix-up. Always verify before submitting.


Forgetting to Sign & Date Your OCF Forms: The Easiest Way to Delay Your Claim


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