Pimipahtāw Pisimwa-Wīci Pimipahtāw - Winter Driving Safety and Legal Help
Pimipahtāw pimipahtāw pīsimw, êkwa wīci pimipahtāw.
(Ontario winters, especially when the snow covers the roads, make driving hazardous. Snow and ice create dangerous conditions on the road.)
Pîsimwa êkwa pîsimwa kīkosêyimo, nikam êkwa ê-ōmaw.
(Even small accidents can lead to serious issues. When this happens, it's essential to take the right steps.)
How to get help after an accident
Wāhkotowin, Wīci Pimipahtāw ômaw ê-mīna mîna ê-pîyāw
Êkosi ka-pîsimwa, wîci pîhkwêw wīci wīciw, nīkan ê-wīcī.
(Move your vehicle off the road if possible. Exchange information with the other driver—name, license, and insurance details.)
Wīci pimipahtāw, pêyak ê-kīhci-pimipahtāw, êkosi pihtwân wīci mîna wīciw.
(If you feel pain or injury, seek medical care immediately.)