Overcoming Language Barriers to Improve Medical and Legal Help After a Persona Injury Accident in Ontario
A recent Toronto Star article eloquently outlines how patients increasingly face language barriers and that communicating with a primarily English-speaking health-care team can be challenging and can lead to barriers to care.
The article explains that in order to overcome these challenges, hospitals should establish bilingual teams in their medical units. This would allow patients from diverse cultural backgrounds the opportunity to receive the best possible care while also reducing any potential misunderstandings or communication difficulties.
Healthcare works holistically, meaning that a patient’s journey doesn’t always have a rigid ‘structure’, and, in the case of Personal Injury referrals, there shoud be consideration around multiple factors, including language. This is particularly true when dealing with Personal Injury cases where there could be technical jargon (legalese). Helping iron out any communication differences or misunderstandings means a patient can get the best care possible.
Why Language Matters in a Legal Context:
A lawyer who speaks other languages can communicate better and more widely than someone without one. They are able to focus on their legal work and deploy their language skills effectively, especially when communicating difficult or emotive issues
Understanding client needs. By working with an interpreter or being able to speak in a client’s chosen language, you can be more receptive to understanding their unique needs and, ultimately, get them the best care possible.
Muti-lingual Marketing collateral enables more underserved communities to access resources, especially people who are new to Canada who may be unfamiliar with our legal system and terminology.
If you don’t speak another language, an interpreter is well versed in local terminology and will do an accurate job of interpreting the message. The interpreter can also help relieve the tension and extra pressure in the room.
Why Language Matters in a Medical Context:
While something as easy as going to a Physio or accessing healthcare can seem relatively straightforward, to some patients, it can be a daunting and scary process, full of many unknowns.
Marketing Materials written in non-English languages can help people in the community by allowing them to understand what services are available
Being able to communicate effectively in a language more comfortable to a patient helps overcome anxiety, communicate their recovery process and creates a more patient-centric approach to providing care
If a patient is more comfortable in a language of their choosing, they may be more likely to stick to a treatment plan (see this article)
How FORTIS is Trying to Make a Difference:
Researching and understanding our communities across the province and changing language needs
Creating multilingual resources which are co-created by communities across the province
Working toward a multi-lingual website
Creating care and legal pathways (referrals) that allow a referral client to work in a language of their choosing
Working with Law firms across the province to provide legal support in 25+ languages