OCF-6: Claiming Expenses after a Motor Vehicle (MVA) Accident in Ontario

After a car accident or other Motor Vehicle Accident, filling out the Expense Claim Form (OCF-6) properly is vital to getting the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Accidents can feel overwhelming, and the paperwork daunting. However, taking time to fully and accurately complete the OCF-6 will help ensure you receive your entitled benefits and recover even faster.

The Expenses Claims Form, also known as the OCF-6, is a vital document for receiving compensation for medical treatment, rehabilitation, and other costs after an accident. Before completing the form, it is essential to understand its purpose and the benefits you are eligible for so you can provide accurate details to support your claim.

Some expenses include the following

  • Lost, damaged, or destroyed clothing or personal items which were involved in the accident at the time

  • Personal Assistive Devices including Wheelchairs, Prothetics etc

  • Expenses related to Education costs

  • Healthcare Professional and Caregiver benefits

  • Transportation costs

Don’t go at it alone. Talk to us and find out how to fill out the form properly, to check whether your current Lawyer has maximized benefits or if you want to try to find a Lawyer to help you out. You don’t have to go at it alone!


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