OCF-2: Employer's Confirmation Form: Information for Ontario Residents Submitting after a Car Accident

If you find that you are unable to continue working due to injuries sustained in a car accident in Ontario, it is possible that you may qualify for income replacement benefits provided by their auto insurance company.

Income replacement benefits are a standard inclusion in all automobile insurance policies in Ontario, as mandated by the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule. To recoup lost earnings, a car crash victim who sustained injuries must complete a comprehensive Application for Accident Benefits.

In order to process the claim, the insurance provider may require the submission of an OCF-2, which is an Employer's Confirmation of Income.

To successfully finish the OCF-2, here are Four valuable tips that will assist you along the way.

  1. The completion of the OCF-2 form is mandatory for both you and your employer. It is necessary to determine which individual within your company possesses the qualifications to provide accurate information regarding your working hours, wages, and duration of employment. This designated individual should be knowledgeable about the specifics of your job responsibilities, including a comprehensive job description and the nature of your employment.

  2. You must notify your insurance provider within seven days of an accident. Once you receive the application, complete and submit all forms, including the OCF-2, within 30 days. Missing these deadlines could lead to denied or delayed benefits.

  3. Your employer has the capacity to furnish details regarding the fundamental responsibilities of your position and the physical requirements linked to each responsibility. Your employer may also supply supplementary materials to substantiate these claims. If necessary, your employer can offer evidence that demonstrates how your injuries hinder your ability to perform your job. For example, if you have experienced a severe back injury, your insurance provider should be aware that your job entails tasks such as lifting heavy boxes or engaging in bending and twisting motions to access objects.

  4. Talk to us. Send us an email (submit details Above Top Right). We have almost 10 years worth of experience in the MVA and Medical-Legal industry. Don’t miss out on OCF 2 Benefits!


OCF-6: Claiming Expenses after a Motor Vehicle (MVA) Accident in Ontario


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