Overcoming Fear and Anxiety after a Car Accident That Happened in Ontario

Following a car accident, many people will feel stressed or anxious. However, it is normal to have different emotions after the accident depending on who was involved and how they are feeling at the time.

Injuries sustained in car accidents are commonly described as whiplash, neck injuries, brain and head injuries, spinal cord injuries, back injuries, facial/dental injuries and internal Injuries. However psychological damage can often be the most difficult injury to recover from

Every driver and passenger can suffer psychological injuries after a motor vehicle accident. These injuries can include emotional distress, post-traumatic stress disorder, persistent anxiety and depression. If left untreated, these Psychological Injuries can have long lasting effects on the person’s life.

Is it normal to feel this way?

Some people can develop a driving phobia called Vehophobia. This can happen to those who have never been involved in an accident, or to those who have suffered car accidents in the past. It is common for someone with this fear to experience feelings of fear and anxiety when thinking about getting behind the wheel again.

These feelings stem from unconsciously reliving the accident when confronted with situations or sounds on the road that remind you of the trauma. When flashbacks and recurring thoughts like this occur, it is a sign of post-traumatic stress disorder.


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