First time needing a Personal Injury Lawyer on Ontario? Here are 5 Top Tips:

When seeking legal aid, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. Legal matters can be difficult, but finding the right Lawyer should not be. We have five suggestions for those looking to hire a lawyer for the first time:

1. Look to your Personal Network

The first step to finding a Lawyer is by utilizing your social connections. Ask family, friends and colleagues for recommendations. Make sure you clearly state what type of legal assistance you need and whether this is a short-term or long-term commitment. If it's the latter, knowing how long your connection has known them and their experience with similar cases will be important factors in making a decision.

You'll want to specify what kind of lawyer you need. Are you looking for help with a specific legal issue, such as immigration? If so, a lawyer your uncle knows likely won't be much help. A lawyer specializing in Motor Vehicle Accidents, Bike Accidents or other accident types may have more experience helping you with your specific situation.

2. Look to Other Lawyers: See if they can refer you

When looking for a lawyer to represent you in court or outside of their area of practice, it can be helpful to ask someone you know or trust for recommendations. Whether through a personal connection (like family), professional association or via online directories, asking around can provide an extra layer of security and peace-of-mind when making decisions about your legal representation.

3. Use LinkedIn (Yes, seriously!)

LinkedIn is a great resource for finding a lawyer. You can use keywords (e.g. “Personal injury or Bike Accident Lawyer”) to filter the results, and be sure to specify your location as well: At a minimum, the lawyer must have passed your state’s bar exam. Logistically, however, you may want someone who works in or near your city – so check their work and education history as well as any other relevant experience they might have! Most LinkedIn profiles will also include a URL to their firm’s website – from there you can find instructions on how to contact them.

4. Always have a Plan B

If you're having trouble finding a lawyer who can take your case, consider using a backup option. Just like any other profession, lawyers get booked up and fall ill. If you don't hear back from a particular lawyer or law firm after trying to reach them, try contacting another one on your list - especially if the situation is time-sensitive.As with most things in life, it's best to have a combination of strategies at your disposal when looking for legal representation. By using quality resources and being strategic about when/how to contact law firms, you should be able to find someone quickly and painlessly.

5. Let FORTIS Medical Legal Consultants find an Expert Lawyer for you for your specific case

FORTIS assists injured Ontarians navigate the medical and legal process following a Motor Vehicle, Slip & Fall, Pedestrian, and Cycling accidents.

FORTIS’ Medical-Legal consultants match you with highly specialized Ontario Injury lawyers and expert multidisciplinary Regulated Health Care Practitioners to assist you in your recovery journey, and ensure you access the rehabilitation benefits and compensation you’re rightfully entitled to.

BONUS: Ask AI “How many Personal Injury Lawyers are there in Ontario and BC?“

Both Ontario and BC have a significant number of lawyers practicing in various fields, including personal injury law. These lawyers may work independently, in small firms, or in larger legal practices. The exact number of personal injury lawyers in each province can fluctuate over time due to factors such as changes in regulations, population growth, and demand for legal services.


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